Areola Repigmentation: Reviving the inner beauty

5 minutes read
Areola Repigmentation by PhiAcademy

Do you know what is the most frequent question that women ask their oncologists once they’ve found out they have cancer?

“Will I lose my hair?”

It’s because we’re used to fighting inner battles, dealing with problems that we don’t want to share with the rest of the world. But when it comes to the moment when our physical appearance screams that something’s wrong with us… we’re vulnerable.

We are afraid of unwanted attention and pity.

The same goes for losing the areola and nipples after mastectomy.

PhiAreola is a technique of drawing the areola together with the nipple using a combination of contrast of shadows and light to achieve a 3D effect.

PhiAreola is a technique of drawing the areola together with the nipple using a combination of contrast of shadows and light to achieve a 3D effect.

That’s why one of the most valuable treatments taught at PhiAcademy is PhiAreola


PhiAreola is a technique of drawing the areola together with the nipple using a combination of contrast of shadows and light to achieve a 3D effect and make the areola around the nipple look more natural. The focus of the PhiAreola treatment is to adapt to the new shape, size, texture, color, and position on the chest. PhiAreola also removes scars from previous breast surgeries.


With this non-invasive procedure, women reclaim their identity, self-image, femininity, and attractiveness.

The process of areola repigmentation is akin to a skilled restorer who steps in, with steady hands and a keen eye, understanding the value and significance of this masterpiece.

The process of areola repigmentation is akin to a skilled restorer who steps in, with steady hands and a keen eye, understanding the value and significance of this masterpiece.

How is PhiAreola different from other Phi procedures?

As our Master of PhiAreola said in the interview, working with people that undergone cancer treatments requires a special approach and a deeper connection between the artist and the client.

Besides showing expertise and technical skills, you have to show the clients you are the person they can trust.

The process of areola repigmentation is akin to a skilled restorer who steps in, with steady hands and a keen eye, understanding the value and significance of this masterpiece. It's not about creating a new ceiling or painting over the old one. It's about reclaiming the essence of the original work, enhancing the beauty that was there, and helping it shine again.

As the restorer begins to meticulously revitalize the colors, each stroke brings more of the original glory back to life. The process is slow, and measured, requiring an understanding of the art's history and nuances. It is the same with areola repigmentation - it is a measured process that requires understanding the woman's journey, her battle, and her victory.

The focus of the PhiAreola treatment is to adapt to the new shape, size, texture, color and position on the chest. PhiAreola also removes scars from previous breast surgeries.

The focus of the PhiAreola treatment is to adapt to the new shape, size, texture, color and position on the chest. PhiAreola also removes scars from previous breast surgeries.

Do you know anyone fighting or recovering from breast cancer?

Unfortunately, 1 in 8 women in the U.S. develop some form of breast cancer, and most of us have or have a friend or a family member that has fought this battle.

Every student that becomes a Master of PhiAreola is our tribute to them, and together we help those women fall in love with themselves again.


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