microblading course hexaplan branko babic phiacademy



Royal Artist
Master Associate
Craft Master
We want you here
Grand Master
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phiacademy hexaplan microblading training classes

Using motivation
to succeed

Hexaplan, or the plan in 6 levels, is designed to successfully motivate our Students and support them in the easier realization of their wishes and plans in the beauty industry, regardless of their previous experience and age.

phibrows beauty artist thorsten

Thorsten Kreiling 🇦🇹

Craft Master
phibrows beauty artist ljiljana talovic

Ljiljana Talovic 🇷🇸

Craft Master
phibrows beauty artist bojana nikolin

Bojana Nikolin 🇺🇸

Craft Master
permanent makeup artist phiacademy

Kerstin Ellmer Kreiling 🇦🇹

Craft Master
phibrows beauty artist simin abol pour mofrad

Simin Abol Pour Mofrad 🇮🇷

Craft Master
phibrows beauty master artist pegah mehrabpour

Pegah Mehrabpour 🇮🇷

Craft Master
phibrows beauty artist nilda y ramirez ortiz

Nilda Y Ramirez Ortiz 🇺🇸

Craft Master
phibrows beauty artist adineh hasanzadeh

Adineh Hasanzadeh 🇮🇷

Craft Master
phibrows beauty artist aleksandra yaneva

Aleksandra Yaneva 🇬🇧

Craft Master
 speedy lips artist rosa maria suarez

Rosa Maria Suarez 🇮🇹

Craft Master
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The goal of hexaplan

We create successful
people in the beauty

The goal of Hexaplan isn't just to allow you to earn good money through treatments. Our goal is to give you all the necessary knowledge and skills, such as marketing and organizational skills, that will allow you to become financially independent and to advance further in the beauty industry.

To facilitate your developmental path to becoming a Master, Phi Academy offers free courses such as Hygiene course, Skin Expert course, First Class Service course, and Get More Clients course all our Students,

branko babić microblading phiacademy hexaplan

Positive environment
basis of every progress

We believe that a positive and interactive environment is the basis of any progress. Cooperation, selfless knowledge sharing, and the absence of vanity are the values our Hexaplan is built on. That's why Phi Academy always puts human qualities before business skills.



Enrolling in any Phi Academy training.


Student does not have the opportunity to claim any benefits yet.


It is possible to lose the title due to stealing other people's work and abusing digital tools. In this case, Students will not be able to enroll in the course again.



In order to acquire the title of Artist, it is necessary to master the basic skills that are learned during the training.


One of the biggest benefits of having the Artist title is the opportunity to start doing treatments and, therefore, to start the return on investment of the training.


The Artist title and monitoring may be revoked if it is discovered that the Artist uses other people's works as his own, does not follow the Phi procedures specified in the contract, or does not use Phi tools.

Royal Artist


To receive the title of Royal Artist, a candidate must:
• Hold the title of Artist for at least 6 months.
• Be active on social media and in groups.
• Perfect their knowledge and technique.
• Complete the Skin Expert online course.


A Royal Artist receives:
• A new logo and certificate.
• The right to update their status on the PhiAcademy map.
• The Royal Artist has the right to conduct Monitoring for PhiAcademy Artists and students at the final level of the course (work on a model), thus gaining additional opportunities for income and professional development through mentorship and guiding students.
• The opportunity to assist Masters during training sessions, deliver theoretical parts, and guide students through the Craft Master application with an agreed fee.


• Use of PhiAcademy trademarks and materials without permission is strictly prohibited.
• If Royal Artists conduct their own trainings, these must not be advertised as part of the PhiAcademy brand.
• Inappropriate behavior toward PhiAcademy members or damaging the Academy’s reputation may lead to revocation of the title.
• During Monitoring, only PhiAcademy products must be used, and all protocols must be respected.
• Inactivity or lack of posts may result in loss of the title.

Master Associate


• A Royal Artist must hold this title for at least 6 months.
• Be active on social media with notable work.
• Complete the Skin Expert and First Class Service courses.
• Obtain candidacy status for the Master title from PhiAcademy.
• Not violate Academy rules.


• Receives a new logo, certificate, and a feature on the PhiMap.
• May organize trainings for the technique under their own name using PhiAcademy products, and create and award their own certificates.
• Gains additional earning opportunities by assisting Masters during trainings or through the Monitoring program.


• Use of PhiAcademy trademarks and materials in trainings organized under their own name is prohibited.
• Trainings must not be advertised as part of the PhiAcademy brand.
• Adherence to PhiAcademy rules and procedures is mandatory to avoid title revocation.
• Master candidates are not allowed to conduct trainings under their own name.

Craft Master


To become a Master, a candidate must:
• Hold the previous titles: Student, Artist, Royal Artist, and Master Associate.
• Demonstrate experience, human qualities, dedication, knowledge, and skills.
• Be the founder, co-founder, or legal representative of a company with which they will sign a contract with PhiAcademy.
• Not violate PhiAcademy rules.
• Pass the Master Guide Exam.


• The ability to conduct trainings and appoint SubMasters.
• The right to use the title in advertising and on certificates for the designated technique.
• The ability to create and approve new techniques with PhiAcademy’s support.


• Continuous education and adherence to PhiAcademy rules are mandatory.
• The Master is obligated to maintain the highest quality of education for their students, adhering to PhiAcademy standards, with a defined maximum number of students per training to ensure quality work.
• Masters must promote the Phi brand and use Phi materials during trainings.
• A Master must not work for other academies or participate in promoting similar techniques outside of the Phi brand.

Grand Master


To become a Grand Master Innovator, a candidate must:
• Already hold the title of Master.
• Develop a new technique accepted by PhiAcademy.
• Have at least 100 students for the developed technique.
• Create a kit and CraftMaster lessons for their technique.


• The right to use the title in connection with the developed technique.
• An exclusive position within the PhiAcademy system as an innovator of a new technique.
• Additional professional recognition and the opportunity to expand their brand within PhiAcademy.


• The Grand Master Innovator title applies only to the technique developed by the candidate.
• For other techniques, where they are not the innovator, only the title Master may be used.
• It is necessary to maintain high standards of quality and meet annual goals.


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Branko Babic
Branko Babic presents the new technique!
BB Stroke