PhiBrows - Hyperrealistic eyebrow drawing

4 minutes read

Less than 10 years ago, a treatment called PhiBrows appeared in the world of beauty. The name of the treatment consists of two words: the Greek letter "Phi" which means the perfect proportion of the design and the word "brows." Simply put, this treatment could be defined as drawing eyebrows according to the golden ratio, or according to the superior number Phi (1,618).

But PhiBrows is more complex than that. In addition to knowing the perfect proportion, this treatment includes:

  • Perfect positioning according to facial morphology
  • Digital symmetry calculation
  • Hyperrealistic hair drawing according to the Microblading method


Time-saving aesthetic perfection

Drawing such eyebrows on a daily basis would be a rather long and practically impossible process. In addition to designing and positioning, PhiBrows treatment also includes permanent hair removal with the Microblading method, thanks to which these perfectly designed eyebrows adorn the faces of clients for about a year.

Millions of women in the world who are users of this treatment save the most precious life resource every day, and that is the time they would spend on drawing eyebrows because they wake up with completely realistically drawn and perfectly designed eyebrows. In addition to gaining time, women who opt for PhiBrows treatment also gain confidence in the gym, pool, sea because they do not have to worry that water or sweat will remove makeup from their eyebrows.

The creator of the treatment is Branko Babic and also the founder of the Phi Academy, a renowned institution that annually trains over 20,000 young people, most of whom are women. "The process of learning and mastering this technique is very difficult, and assessment and assignments are very rigorous so that in the end, more than 60% of students really successfully complete the course and receive a PhiBrows certificate," Branko explained.

As a method of drawing eyebrows, Microblading existed before Branko Babic, but he was the first in the world to use a golden section compass in creating eyebrows and thus made complete Microblading popular to the extent that today it is one of the most sought after beauty treatments in the world.

Regardless of the perfect design, perfect symmetry, perfect eyebrow position, this treatment would never last so long if the perfect pigment that could last in the skin without turning red hadn't been found at the right time. The old pigments would turn red after a while due to a large number of heavy metals, which often caused side effects such as itching. Today, this is a thing of the past. Finding the right pigment was a crucial moment from which it was clear that this treatment would become something big," said Branko.

Phi pigmenti

Phi pigmenti

Not everyone can do PhiBrows

From year to year, this treatment is increasingly in demand, but the market of artists who offer it is still not fully covered. The reason for this is very simple:

Not everyone can do this treatment.

"It looks very simple until you try it. The academy is very demanding because every artist who gets the right to use the name PhiBrows must be a person the academy will be proud of. No talent is needed here. It takes a lot of time to practice to achieve surgical precision in work. Phi artist is committed to working, disciplined, and has a high knowledge of the skin and of course the most important: knowledge of hygiene. People who have all this are the ones who will succeed in this business. There are not many artists out there and that's the reason why they are in high demand and so well paid today, and their waiting lists are sometimes several months long," Branko added.

"Phi Academy currently has about 350 representatives in over 150 countries, which is a very small number in terms of potential, but the quality must remain above quantity. We call our representatives masters and they are exclusively the individuals who have shown above-average skill."


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