Nicole Kern has been looking for a long time for her path and career in which her creative side would finally become visible. Her first job was in a doctor's office where Nicole worked as an assistant in operations.
Although she liked the fact that she was acquiring knowledge in the field of medicine, Nicole always felt that she could do more. That is why she decided to supplement her education and enrolled in evening school. Nicole also enrolled in economics, which she never finished because she felt that the area was not for her after all.
After economics, Nicole continued to look for other options and decided to become a flight attendant. "I flew for 4 years and that job inspired me a lot thanks to the different cultures I met." Working in the first class, Nicole also learned a lot about the importance of detail. Having a keen eye for detail means a lot to her today in her job in the beauty industry.

Grand Master Nicole before and now
The beginning in the beauty industry
Nicole decided to do permanent make-up on her lips so that she would always be beautiful and save herself time on getting ready. Unfortunately, she was not satisfied after the treatment and decided to look for a way to correct permanent make-up on her lips. It was her first contact with permanent makeup.
Although Nicole showed a talent for drawing from an early age, her family was a bit skeptical when she enrolled in the Academy, especially since enrollment was not cheap. However, as her father admits today, it was one of the best investments Nicole made in her life.
Nicole is today the founder of the Phi Academy in Germany. PhiBrows, PhiRemoval, PhiContour and PhiLings courses are regularly held at the Academy in Frankfurt by the best international Masters.

Grand Master Nicole Kern with her Students
"Be someone you needed when you were at the beginning" Branko Babic, founder of Phi Academy
However, her start in the beauty industry was not easy. "I remember many moments when I cried and thought I would not succeed," Nicole said. "It was much harder 10 years ago because we didn't have the Craftmaster app, we didn't have videos or someone to help us with our work." Today, Nicole is trying to give her students the help they deserve because she used to be where they are today.

Grand Master Nicole gives out certificates to her Students
Zlata Kičin, who recognized her talent and suggested that she become a PhiContour Master, has been a special kind of support to Nicole. “I like to say that PhiContour was our first baby. We developed this technique to perfection together with Branko. We had an idea and the Phi Academy supported it.”
One of the most important pieces of advice Nicole has for all new students and those considering a career change is to ask themselves what their goals are and what they want to achieve. “Make a list of things you want to achieve on a weekly basis. Start what is most important right away. Not later or tomorrow. "