How to use ChatGPT as a microblading artist?

12 minutes read
How to use ChatGPT as a microblading artist?

If we compare any historical event to introducing ChatGPT and OpenAI, it would be when we got electricity.  It was scary, new, and nothing as we’ve seen before. A lot of people were resistant, but the ones that embraced it made a fortune of it.

Now it's the same.

The sooner we realize how powerful Artificial Intelligence can be, the sooner we’ll be able to use it to become better professionals, improve our day-to-day work, and finally - increase our income.

Ever since Large Language Models (such as ChatGPT and other chatbots) were introduced, we’ve spent countless hours exploring them and figuring out how we can use them to our advantage.

In this article, we’ll introduce ChatGPT, and share 5 things that you can immediately do to take advantage of it and use ChatGPT for your microblading business.

Google and the internet itself provide us (almost) unlimited access to information, and ChatGPT provides us access to intelligence.

ChatGPT is an AI (artificial intelligence) language model created by OpenAI. It’s a computer program designed to understand and generate human-like text based on the input it receives.

Think of it like the most intelligent assistant on the planet, that can discuss with you any topic that comes to your mind.

It can answer your questions, provide recommendations, analyze your data, or create content for you. The possibilities are endless for those that use it cleverly.

And not joke around as we do…

How to use ChatGPT to build Microblading Business Ideas, Sites & Personal Projects?Find in PhiAcademy Blog

How to use ChatGPT to build Microblading Business Ideas, Sites & Personal Projects?Find in PhiAcademy Blog

How to use ChatGPT as a microblading artist?

As a microblading artist, you wear a lot of hats. You are a beauty artist,  psychotherapist, skin expert, marketer, salesperson, and much more.

With ChatGPT, you can streamline these operations, improve communication with your clients, improve the retention rate, get ideas, and grow your business.

The cherry on top? It will 100% help you stay ahead of the curve and stand out in the crowded beauty world.

Here are 5 ideas that you can copy and implement right now.


#1 Generate professional emails

All you need to do is log in to ChatGPT and copy the text below into the typing box.

“Create professional email response templates for appointment confirmations, cancellations, and rescheduling requests that I can use for my microblading salon clients. Make it sound elegant and friendly. “

And the chatbot will create email templates that you can use anytime you need to send an email to your clients. No more figuring out whether it’s nice and professional enough. You only need to copy and paste it.


#2 Create social media content

You already know how important is to be present on social media, it’s one of the most important aspects of building your brand. But frankly, coming up with the content is an underrated and tedious task. With ChatGPT you can create a monthly plan that will save you hours of work and days of overthinking.

Here’s what you need to request:

“Help me develop a monthly social media content plan for my microblading salon. Include promotional posts, client testimonials, educational content, and photos of my work. I’m using Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.”

#3 Start your own loyalty program

For those looking to improve the client retention rate, implenementing a loyalty program should be a first option. Moreover, it’s far less expensive to retain an existing client, than to acquire a new one. According to a research, it costs 5 times more to acquire a new customer!

Here’s how AI can help you…

“Help me develop a loyalty program for my microblading salon. Give me a list of unique ideas and include a step-by-step guide for implementing each of them”

#4 Organize a microblading workshop

Looking to extend your microblading training reach? ChatGPT can help you organize and host a microblading workshop or a masterclass. It’s like having a personal assistant who’s accidentally an event organization expert.

Here’s a prompt for that:

“Provide a detailed plan for organizing and hosting a successful microblading workshop or masterclass, including marketing strategies, content development, and attendee engagement”


#5 Talk to a world-famous experts

If you’d like to pick an expert’s brain, all you need to do is ask ChatGPT to act like someone else. You can then ask questions or request advice.

Here’s an example prompt:

Act like Branko Babic, the founder and owner of PhiBrows and PhiAcademy. You will have a discussion with me using his knowledge, tone, and voice.
My first sentence is: Hello

Of course, bear in mind that ChatGPT uses information found online to draw concussions and tailor responses. Just like any human, it can make mistakes, and not 100% of information will be correct, but it will set you in the right direction for sure.



And now that you’ve saved hours of manual work thanks to ChatGPT, you can always take some time do fun things, such as reading poems about BB. 🙂

You can always take some time do fun things with ChatGPT, such as reading poems about Branko Babic, founder of PhiAcademy

You can always take some time do fun things with ChatGPT, such as reading poems about Branko Babic, founder of PhiAcademy

Questions an artist can ask ChatGPT:

  1. How can I attract more clients?
  2. What is necessary for a beauty studio to be successful?
  3.  How can I solve a problem I have with a dissatisfied client?
  4.  What type of marketing is the best to promote treatments?
  5. How to form a healthy work relationship in a beauty salon?
  6. What are the future trends in the beauty industry?
  7. How can you present yourself as a potential associate in the beauty industry?
  8.  What are the most common mistakes people make when selling beauty services?
  9. What do the clients notice the most when coming to a beauty studio?
  10. How to create a work-life balance?
  11. What are the harmful ingredients in cosmetic products?
  12. What external factors harm skin the most?
  13. Which chemicals can harm the results of microblading and permanent makeup?
  14. Tell me the steps to opening a successful business.
  15. How can I prosper in the beauty industry?
  16. What do I need to do to become a member of a successful beauty academy?
  17. What are some of the ways I can say „No“ to a client without offending them?
  18. How can I deal with negative/toxic clients?
  19. What are the benefits of investing in my employees?
  20. How can I educate my employee and keep him in the business?
  21. Are marketing agencies worth it?
  22. What are some ways of making creative content?
  23. Which platform is the most popular for marketing beauty treatments?
  24. Does my lifestyle affect my business results?
  25. How can I work less and earn more in the beauty industry?
  26. What are the best ways to organize your time at work and with your employees?
  27. What are the best apps I can use to book clients?
  28. Is there an app that can follow appointments for each employee?
  29. Show me some popular online courses for recording videos for social media.
  30. How can I leave my comfort zone?
  31. Why is it so hard to be disciplined?
  32. What is the best way to approach selling a business?
  33. What are the best options for investing money?
  34. Is it good for the businesses to offer discounts or bonuses?
  35. How can I gain my clients confidence in a beauty salon?
  36. How to be more confident in your job?
  37. How to present without stage fright?
  38. Is there a way to travel the world and perform beauty treatments?
  39. How can I present myself and my work in a place where no one knows me?
  40. What are the most common mistakes people make when buying cosmetic products?
  41. Show me what cosmetic brands use harmful substances.
  42. Why do clients have requests we cannot meet?
  43. How to ignore your competition?
  44. Are supplements necessary for brain function?
  45. How do healthy habits affect your success?
  46. How to organize your business and your private life?
  47. Is there a simple way to save your money?
  48. Are there websites that offer affordable marketing promotions?
  49. Which business books would you recommend?
  50. How to deal with toxic people?


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